Topic: General
So why did I start this TITLE RUN project? I’ll try to keep this brief...
Somewhere in the bowels of my house lies a red and black cardboard cylinder containing two college diplomas from the University of Georgia. One is a Health & Physical Education Degree that I use in my every day job as a teacher in Gwinnett County; the other is a Journalism Degree that’s done nothing but collect dust for the last 12 years. Even though Grady College boasts one of the most prestigious programs in the country, the program’s powers were no match for my choice to specialize in newspapers -- a form of media that’s been on life support for 15 years. As a result, I graduated right into my first teaching job and never looked back -- I LOVE being a teacher and coach.
The itch is still there. I miss brainstorming topics for my weekly column in the Red & Black, making surprisingly accurate Heisman and college football predictions, searching for the perfect phrase to drive home a key point, and engaging in healthy (sometimes) heated debates about any and everything related to the diamond, the court, or the gridiron.
I’ve always believed that we experience life in seasons, and I’m approaching a season where I feel like it’s time to dust off my keyboard, stretch my writing muscles and start producing regular content for people to consume. My hope is to produce weekly entertaining, insightful, easy-to-read pieces about the sports and teams I (and my future audience) care most about. If you’re reading this, I will probably be seeking your input and feedback as this project grows into something that hopefully doesn’t suck.
That’s all for now.
- DB
