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Most Rewatchable Movies of All Time

Writer: DavidDavid

Updated: Apr 14, 2018

So FiveThirtyEight's 2015 list of "The 25 Most Rewatchable Movies Of All Time" resurfaced recently and was the talk of my sports radio-filled commute today. If you're not familiar with FiveThirtyEight, its a blog site known for its statistical analyses of sports, politics, and popular culture. Their list of movies is shown below…and it sucks.

I have no problems with #1 & 2, but "Gone with the Wind" which clocks in at just under FOUR hours??? Are you kidding me? (I actually happen to love GWTW, it's just not a movie I'm going to sit down and watch more than once a decade.) The point is, the people in this survey clearly have a very different concept of "rewatchable" than I do. That said, it's time to establish some criteria for our own Title Run list of Most Rewatchable Movies...

It basically comes down to three things: (1) How likely am I to stop everything and watch this movie when its on, (2) How many times have I actually watched it, and (3) How often do I get "cravings" to see this movie? Using these unscientific criteria led to the lists below:

As with most lists, it's a mixture of classics and some rather mediocre guilty pleasures (I'm looking at you Tron:Legacy. Darn you and your dazzling special effects). As for my wife's list -- well, she likes Disney...and war. Go figure.

Disagree? Good. Comment with your own list below!


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