It's happened again. Some well-meaning people came up with a terrible idea regarding an island of dinosaurs, something went wrong, the animals got loose, and a bunch of folks got dino-mauled.
Do you enjoy that formula? If so, you’ll love “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom”
The premise is pretty straightforward. Isla Nublar is on the verge of an extinction-level volcanic event and Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas-Howard) recruits Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) to return to the island to help save the remaining animals from extinction. Their trip is funded by Sir Benjamin Lockwood (James Cromwell), an insanely rich colleague of original creator John Hammond. Lockwood is in failing health and has entrusted his wealth to ambitious young businessman Eli Mils (Rafe Spall). If you know Jurassic Park movies, you can guess what follows:
Something goes wrong on the island.
An evil business person tries to misuse the dinosaurs for his own financial gain.
Some dinosaurs get loose.
There is a major subplot centered around a child in a fractured family.
There’s a concerted effort to find and save the central child character (Lockwood’s granddaughter Maisie).
People get chomped on.
There are dinosaurs left roaming free to set up the next movie.
Those plot elements are consistent in ALL of the five “Jurassic” movies, so the quality of the movie really hinges on how well they’re executed. With that said...
What you’re going to like:
The action sequences are really good. The one that starts the movie is fantastic.
The main characters show real growth and development from the first movie, specifically Claire. She is more much more heroic and likeable, and much less annoying and dumb than in “Jurassic World.”
As with all “Jurassic” movies, there’s a strong emphasis on the importance of family.
This movie did a good job of creating believable peril -- it felt like the protagonists were in real danger and, in most cases, the way out wasn’t obvious/predictable.
There’s a really fascinating plot twist involving the identity of Maisie Lockwood’s mother -- which is teased throughout the entire movie.
The side characters of Franklin Webb (Justice Smith) and Dr. Zia Rodriguez (Daniella Pineda) are really entertaining and provide great comic relief without becoming irritating or distracting.
The movie feels like it’s telling three different stories. They are woven together in the plot, but the feel of the movie shifts tremendously as it moves from the island back to Lockwood Estate where the final act takes place.
There are several small easter eggs and call-backs to the original film that long-time fans will love.
Our friends over at "The Bored Observer" were brought to tears by an incredibly moving scene where one of the dinosaurs cries out in fear as it watches the last ship leave the island and is slowly consumed in ash & fire. It's beyond gut-wrenching and easily one of the most emotional scenes in all of the "Jurassic" universe.
What you might not like:
Characters still do too many illogical and downright idiotic things; for example, one of the soldiers gets into the cage with a sedated predator to pull one of its teeth for his own personal collection. He leaves the door cracked. You can probably guess what happens next. People doing dumb things is a staple of the “Jurassic” universe, but there were just a few too many inexplicably dumb actions for my taste.
The movie went to the “timely rescue” card a few times too many. It was like watching a Saturday morning cartoon -- “Oh, here is where someone/something comes out of nowhere to save our heroes.” Twice is okay. Four or five times is pushing it.
The extended trailer spoiled one of the significant plot threads of movie. Why? Just why???
Owen’s personality seems to have been toned down some for this movie. He’s still witty and resourceful, but there just weren’t as many funny Chris Pratt moments as we’ve come to expect. That said, you still get lines like: “If I die…(dramatic pause while staring into Claire’s eyes)...just remember you’re the one that made me come. (smiles and walks away).” CLASSIC.
If you love dinos and enjoy the “Jurassic” series formula, this movie is for you. It’s action-packed as always, but it does a great job amping up the suspense and peril of the action scenes. The final act at the Lockwood Estate really captures the dangerous, enclosed, “man is the prey” feel of the original movie. This film also has less plot holes and better secondary characters than “Jurassic World” and “Jurassic Park 3.” Overall, I left feeling much like I did after the most recent entry into the “Ocean’s” franchise -- good entertainment, but ultimately kind of forgettable.
Overall Grade: C