My overall grade for this move is an A-. It was a really unique movie with awesome visuals, interesting characters, and a really well thought-out story. It had a unique look and score, I cared about the characters, and it made me laugh. That’s a pretty good time at the movies. When you’re watching it, it feels disconnected from the rest of the Marvel universe in a good way. You don’t feel like you’re watching a Marvel movie or even a superhero movie as much as you feel like you’re watching a drama about a new king’s coming of age. It’s tone is more similar to “Iron Man” and “Batman Begins” -- realistic & character-focused, but still engaging.
What you’re going to like:
Gadgets Galore - The Black Panther’s tech puts James Bond and Tony Stark to shame. They do a good job of coming up with original ideas that are flashy but also practical. Just wait until you see the car chase scene.
Shuri - Shuri is T’Challa’s genius baby sister. She has the role of Tony Stark in this movie; She is the lovingly sarcastic know-it-all tech guru. She’s funny, charming, and has several lines that are pure gold. She’s definitely the scene-stealer of this film.
Killmonger - Killmonger is a complex, believable, and at times, even sympathetic villain. The way you feel about him at the end of the movie is different than you do at the beginning, and that’s a testament to the way they develop his character throughout the film. Michael B. Jordan also brings such believable intensity to his scenes. His anger, outrage, and hurt is almost palpable by the end of the movie.
Uniqueness - This movie doesn’t look, sound, or feel like any other Marvel movie. It really DOES feel like it’s taking place in some remote corner of the world. Just like "Guardians of the Galaxy" had a unique visual style and musical selection that could only work for the mood and tone of THAT film, everything in Black Panther feels specifically selected for ITS story and it's hard to imagine those elements fitting anywhere else in the MCU.
The Story - Even though you’ll be able to figure out where the movie is going, it adds some nice twists and turns on the way there. There is a strong backstory for Killmonger and the constant struggle of T’Challa having to figure out whether or not to continue Wakanda’s traditional methods of diplomacy and foreign policy.
What you might not like:
The political message - The movie centers heavily around discussions about Wakanda’s isolationism and whether it's time to break from that tradition and engage openly with the rest of the world. This includes whether or not to arm oppressed people in other countries and allow refugees into their own country. If that kind of discussion isn't your thing, the political overtones could possibly turn you off.
White People Jokes - None of the jokes are racist or really even inappropriate, but Agent Ross becomes a bit of a whipping boy when he shows up in this movie...and it’s pretty hilarious.
My grading breakdown:
Characters: 10/10 (A+) : In addition to the ones mentioned above, Okoye, Nakia, and W’Kabi are awesome secondary characters who are surprisingly well-developed.
Plot/Story: 9/10 (A-) : The back story was well-done, but certain elements of the finale were a little predictable.
Visuals: 9/10 (A) : As already discussed the scenery, costumes, and landscapes were both eye-popping and unique. Not mind-blowing like in “Doctor Strange” or “Inception”, but really well-done.
Music/Score: 8.75/10 (B+) : I am a big fan of traditional orchestral scores, but this movie effectively blended that with Kendrick Lamar’s original songs to create a distinct sound that fit really well. I expected the hip-hop elements to be overwhelming, but they weren’t, and the score also included drum and vocal arrangements that sounded completely authentic to the African setting.
Emotion: 9/10 (A-) : The trips to the Ancestral Plane are saturated with emotion. The last one falls short of being a tear-jerker, but it will still tug at your heart strings.
Dialogue: 8.5/10 (B) : Shuri was a scene stealer and Killmonger’s dialogue was great simply because it was the most believable. He brought so much emotion and intensity to his lines. I think T’Challa’s dialogue matched his character, but some of it just felt a tad bland/cliche.
Originality: 10/10 (A+) : As already discussed, this had a different feel than any other Marvel or superhero movie I’ve seen.
“Wow” factor: 8.75/10 (B+) : For a movie to get a “10” I have to leave either feeling like I need to see it again immediately or like I saw things that were so cool I literally gasped, yelled, or cheered when I saw it on the screen. This movie was very good, but it wasn't quite to that level for me.
Cumulative Score - 64/70 (91%) -- A-