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Best WWE Finishers of 2018

Writer: DavidDavid

What’s better in wrestling than a great finishing move?

Former WWE star Neville hits the "Red Arrow."

With WWE’s shift towards a faster, more athletic brand of wrestling, an ancillary effect has been a significant improvement in the quality of finishing moves. The clotheslines, power bombs, and elbow drops of the Attitude Era have been replaced with more athletic high-impact moves that are infinitely more entertaining to watch and look like they might legitimately end your life. The list below shows ten of the best finishers being used by current WWE superstars based on the following criteria:

  • Coolness - Does the move look good?

  • Effectiveness - Do people kick out of it? The stronger the move is booked, the higher it goes on this list.

  • Creativity - Is the move unique and/or original? Can the wrestler deliver it in unexpected ways?

For example, Brock Lesnar’s “F5” didn't make this list because despite the fact that it's booked super-strong, it’s just a rather boring move. Meanwhile Sami Zayn’s “Blue Thunder Bomb” is creative and cool, but he never wins with it, so it's also left off this list. You get the idea.

Based on those unscientific criteria, here are the 10 best finishers in WWE today:

10. Salida del Sol - Calisto

The Salida del Sol is easily one most aesthetically pleasing moves in the WWE. While it doesn't have the same visual impact as some of the other moves on this list, it gets high marks for effectiveness and creativity.

9. Gargano Escape - Johnny Gargano

"Johnny Wrestling" not only has one of the best submission holds around, his ability to get into it seemingly out-of-nowhere gives the move the same excitement of a high-impact finisher.

8. The Eclipse - Ember Moon

Ember Moon has the best finisher of any female on the WWE roster -- better than Sasha Banks, Charlotte Flair, Asuka, and Ronda Rousey...and that's saying a lot. The Eclipse not only takes a crazy amount of athleticism, the way to move is sold makes it absolutely awesome to watch.

7. End of Heartache - Roderick Strong

"The Messiah of the Backbreaker" has one of the most creative and cringeworthy finishers in all of WWE.

6. 054 - Mustafa Ali If you're looking to get over on just a finisher, Mustafa Ali's inverted 450 splash is the kind of move you want in your arsenal. While there isn't a lot of variety in how he executes it, it's a creative and unique variation on a classic move, and it's booked super strong.

5. Coup De Grace - Finn Balor

Balor's top rope double foot stomp isn't original (Low Ki has done it for years), but it's booked incredibly strong and creates an amazing visual as the "Demon King" soars through the air. It also looks like it might kill you if Balor ever hit it with the full force of his weight.

4. Shatter Machine - The Revival

Not only is this the best tag-team finisher in the WWE, The Revival have found some of the most unexpected and innovative ways to get into their signature move.

3. Curb Stomp - Seth Rollins

It's back. After using the Pedigree during his heel run as part of the Authority, the Curb Stomp is back, and boy is it fun to watch.

2. RKO - Randy Orton

When people make Vine compilations out of your finisher, you know it's an all-time great.

1. Lumbar Check - Cedric Alexander

Cedric Alexander's ascension to the top of the cruiserweight ranks has been greatly aided by one of the sexiest and most eye-popping moves around -- and the way people sell the move is absolutely hysterical.


Best Finishing Repertoire - A.J. Styles

Styles is known for his innovative offense, so much so that it felt wrong to leave him off this list. His collection of finishing moves is easily the deepest in the company, and he's able use different ones at different times to tell different stories in the ring.

  • Phenomenal Forearm

  • Springboard 450 Splash

  • Styles Clash

  • Calf Crusher


Who did we miss? Tell us in the comments below.



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